Starting page numbers with a custom number

Hi there! Is there a way to start page numbering from a custom number in Libre Office Writer?
Say I want to start numbering the pages starting with 56 to the end of document such that the tenth page has the number 66?. Since my document is meant to be an annexure to a Word document I really need this to start where the numbering in the word document ends! I don’t have the time to transfer the contents of ODT to word again & do all the formatting again (because the .ODT file has over 100 images and reformatting them is Word would be a pain). I even tried to manually type in page numbers but I was only able use two different page numbers (left & right pages) and Libre Writer applies this to all the other left & right pages! :frowning: Can someone help me please? I’d appreciate any workarounds. At least a way to manually type in different numbers in the footer section w/o Writer copying it to all other pages would also suffice! Thank you.

See if Page Numbers helps.


Thank you. Page break method allowed me to start the numbering with a custom number. I finally got what I needed. Appreciate your help!