Strange Occurrence With "ti" when printed to PDF

I have an odd issue. I save a long document as office 2007-365. Then if I print it to PDF using Microsoft Print To PDF, I get this weird condition where it looks fine visually. However if I copy text and paste it somewhere else, all instances of “ti” are either not pasted, or pasted as a weird image. See below. Exporting to PDF instead of printing seems to work. However printing it doesn’t. What could be the cause of this?

representative prints as: representa􀆟ve
conditions prints as: condi􀆟ons

Use the native ODF file formats, and use the built-in PDF export feature of the LO. Depending on the used Fonts, maybe it is better to embed the used Fonts into the PDF file - because of ligatures.

IF pasting here didn’t introduce distortion in the character string, your weird glyph is Unicode U+10019, which is located in the Supplementary Multilingual Plane, Linear B Syllabary block. This block is dedicated to characters for syllabic Mycenaean Greek.

My guess is you somehow corrupted your text at some stage. Or perhaps, it was originally written with non-standard fonts which encoded fancy characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane to avoid conflicts, not realising that the SMP was already assigned.

Note also that “ti” is frequently a candidate for ligature substitution, but this should not modify original text (unless of course this was done on purpose).

When asking here, always mention OS name (I assume you are under Window$), LO version and save format (I assume again it is .doc).

Yes I prefer to safe as docx or an office compatible format because if I send an ODF file to someone they may not know what to do with it. I have Windows OS.

This is a large document to have to manually re-type.

Saving as .docx will leave you facing many problems. Save as .odt native format in your own computer while working on the document. Only export as .docx when sending to external recipients.

Presently, your document is damaged beyond repair subsequent to the many conversions on loading AND saving. Though it is a large document, you need to reformat it completely to avoid further issues. The simplest way to do it is to paste your text as unformatted text in a blank ODF document. Note contents need to be copied separately. When done with this pasting, style your text and you’re ready. Take the opportunity of this “restoration” to redesign your style set in favour of a strict methodic approach. This will ease your future updates.

There is not (never was and newer will be!) 100% compatibility between the different file formats. You always will lose some formatting properties (or even some contents!) when you convert the native file formats to foreign formats and when you open foreign format files which contain foreingn formatting properties.
The native file format of the LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, Neo Office is the ODF (Open Document Format). Use it. The the native EDITOR software for this format is FREE for everybody.

Looks like you are using Callibri (or its metrics-compatible Carlito). Callibri has a “ti” ligature (most Latin fonts have only “fi”, “fl”, etc ligatures).

A ligature is two or more characters represented by a single glyph, and because of the way PDF files are structured, this poses an issue for text extraction from PDF.

When exporting PDF directly from LibreOffice, it has measures to make sure when ligatures are used text extraction works as expected. But when using a PDF printer, it is up to the printer driver to handle this, though it is possible that the needed information might not be available to it since it is supposed to be printing ink on paper not producing digital documents, so the focus will be on the visual representation not the semantic one.