Upgraded to (via NetBSD pkgsrc, if it matters). Observing several visual changes that are not pleasant!
No scroll bars for documents. Instead of a scrollbar and thumb, there’s just an area (boundaries of which are not visible!) where you can click, and clicking transports you to that point in the document. No more “click above thumb” to page up, or “click below thumb” to page down, or dragging of thumb. There is no thumb!
Menu backgrounds are very pale (light in color) and boundaries/borders are nearly invisible.
On the “Format Cells” dialog, there are no borders between tabs, and no indication of which tab is active. similarly, the OK, Cancel, and Reset buttons have no outlines/borders and are the same color as the box.
On a spreadsheet, the Font selection box and Font Size box are the same color as the background portion of the menu bar. Additionally, neither one has a pull-down menu (so you can no longer get a list of fonts,you have to type the whole name!)
Not sure about this one, but the Menu bar seems to be using a smaller font-size than before.