Struggling to sort column by date

I’ve read a few discussions here, but still having an issue…user error I am sure!

I am trying to sort a Calc sheet by a column with expiration dates. Dates are shown as 2/2026, 3/2025, 1/2024, etc. I removed the text designation from all the data in the column. Sorting uses the first digit, not the whole date.

Any help?


I suppose that your “dates” are pure texts only.
Check them with the View - Value Highlighting feature, or upload your ODF type sample file her

The real dates are numeric type values with a special formatting property.

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Thank you for your prompt reply. Using the View-> Value Highlight, the column I want to sort by remains black, but other columns with numerals, including other columns w/dates (format: 3/25/26) are blue.

One observation - when I sort on a column with the a date format of 3/25/26 vs. 3/26, the column sorts properly


Textual data which are supposed to designate “dates” are sorted alphabetically, and must therefore be written with caracter positions in decreasing order of significance. This includes that numerical parts needing to be collated must be written with an equal number of digits using leading zeroes where needed. Seet example:
asIfMonthDatesSorted.ods (48.3 KB)

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Thank you!