Style override rules - customized stock styles

Styles in master documents and subdocuments

The relationship between styles in a master document and its subdocuments is as follows:

  • Custom styles used in subdocuments, such as paragraph styles, are automatically imported into the master document.
  • If more than one subdocument uses a custom style with the same name (for example, myBodyText), then only the one in the first subdocument to be linked is imported into the master document.
  • If a style with the same name exists in the master document and in the subdocuments (for example, Default Style), then the style is applied as defined in the master document.
  • The styles in the subdocuments are only changed in the master document, so when a subdocument is opened for editing the original styles are not affected.
    – end of citation

Master-subdocuments styles override rules as above don’t handle Writer stock/predefined styles modified by user, modifications template-level. What Writer behavior to expect at this point?

Term understanding: custom style are those styles created by user. Predefined but modified by user styles are no custom styles.
cit. “Writer offers these mechanisms to modify both predefined and custom (user-created) styles:”, source Chapter 8 Introduction to Styles

What do you mean? “Stock/predefined” styles are styles. They are handled as any other style; the description/behavior doesn’t make any distinction. The relevant parts are bullets three and four; they tell about “styles”. The first two bullets talk about “custom styles”, because these two items discuss what is only applicable to non-predefined styles (what happens to styles that (potentially) aren’t common to all of the documents).

(post deleted by author)

You can expect that the modifications made in the style within the master document be in effect. Any modification of a default style in a subdocument will - for all practical purposes - be local to the subdocument.

All predefined styles are - by design - existent in the master document, as also indicated in @mikekaganski’s comment. They cannot be deleted or renamed to “make room” for adjustments made in subdocuments. That is consistent with this master-subdocument mindset:

  • Subdocuments deliver content.
  • Master document delivers presentation.