Hi everyone!
I have exported a file from Google Docs with styles used in it in two formats: (1) .odt, and (2) .docx. When I open either of them in LO Writer ( (x64)) the styles appear different from the default styles that would appear if I open a blank LO writer document. I wouldn’t have a problem with that but those styles do not index in the Navigator/Headings and the document is pretty long so it’s kind of difficult to navigate (Interestingly, otther attributes of the document do index such as tables, images, hyperlinks, etc.). Next, I tried to Load Styles (from the Styles menu) hoping that I could load the default styles with no success. First, I tried loading Categories → Styles and then from Templates → Default. Nothing really changed. Then I loaded other styles, and then again the Default and again nothing.
So my question would be: how to index the styles of a document exported from another word processor in the navigator, or how to load the default styles (as they are indexed in the navigator)?
What works for me is Ctrl + A and Ctrl + C in the exported document and then Ctrl + V in a new LO Writer document but I believe there should be a solution in the Styles Menu that I am missing.