Form hierarchy of category,subcategory,item,detail with the detail being a text box
while all the others are tablecontrols.
The detail textbox spans the height of the form allowing for heaps of text varchar(8000), the forms cycle behavour
set to default.
All works fine, pressing the enter key will move to a new line as desired.
However on form opening the contents of the textbox flickers, just like a rolldown and then stabilises.
When moving the mouse pointer in and out I also get a brief flickering.
Tried to move the textbox in a separate subform embedded in a tablecontrol with the result of no flicker, however pressing the
enter key now results in a new record.
Any idea what could cause the flickering or how to make the tablecontrol behave like the textbox ie enter new line instead of
new record as cycle active record still moves on to a new one.