Submenu covers menubar

In LibreOffice the submenu covers the menu bar.
can I change this weird behaviour?
is there a functioning template for the menu bar?
thanks for advice

Not for me on Windows 10:

What operating system (and version of it) are you using?

That may happen if the submenu is taller than the available screen height below the menu bar.

It’s linux mint 21.02 - but that should not make any difference - I guess

well - but I remember that this was not like that. I find this behaviour very strange - normally you can just scroll further down if the screen is not big enough

So you assume LibreOffice is looking the same on Gnome, KDE and XFCE ?

actually I did - but from your comment obviousely it doesn’t.

Am I the only one with this issue? I feel like a menu should not be covered by the submenu. But I can live with it (probably I just have to).

I use the MATE Desktop