Suddenly I am unable to open any of my ods files

It was OK yesterday. LO opens old .xls files but none of the .ods created. I have LO and I have tried reinstalling but still no go.
I should have said I am using Windows 8.1.
I have emailed sample files to my Android Tablet which has Polaris installed: similar results - can’t open any .ods files, but successfully opened .xls.
Looks like all ods files corrupt or otherwise rendered useless!

I can’t open any of my saved files

I don’t think re-installing would resolve any potential corruption of your user profile. It’s worth following the documented instructions for dealing with corrupt user files. (Do save the old one!) Scroll down to the “Resolving corruption in the user profile” heading – I’ve linked it just above that to show file locations.

That’s one possibility. Can you show hidden files to see if there is any rogue “lock-file” clogging the system?

And if you have any “benign” ones (small with no confidential data), you could try uploading it here to see if others in the community experience the same issue with the file – that would help to clarify whether the problem is file- or system-based.

Thanks for this. I think the problem lies with my WD external drive (continuous) backup process - all the files I have recently changed are ods files. Presumably, when the WD software reads a changed file it temporarily locks it and the symptoms appear to be consistent with your second suggestion. Rather worryingly, my WD software is not showing the D: volume files (so can’t ‘retrieve’). Obviously something has gone wrong. I’ll have to get my tame expert in to have a look, but thanks for help.

I disconnected the WD and now I think it’s the ods format, not the backup process. I created a new spreadsheet and saved one version as xls and the other as ods. LO can open the former, but not the latter. Open Office can open both!

@colinth - Really weird! Did you try re-creating the user profile? Clearly the problem is not the file (since OpenOffice can open it), nor LibO (since you reinstalled it), but something inbetween. Sounds like user profile!