Sunrise & Sunset

I’m looking for a list of sunrise/sunset times for 2025 that can be easily imported into Calc and haven’t been able to find one. Is there such a thing? Or perhaps a way of calculating it from given dates?

It only took me a few seconds to find this site; it looks like it should copy without too much problem. You’ll need to choose the appropriate location for your needs.

This web search will give you some other sites if you need them.

Solar Calculator - NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory

The following spreadsheets can be used to calculate solar data for a day or a year at a specified site. They are available in Microsoft Excel and Open Office format. Please note that calculations in the spreadsheets are only valid for dates between 1901 and 2099, due to an approximation used in the Julian Day calculation. The web calculator does not use this approximation, and can report values between the years -2000 and +3000.


I find this site useful for other astronomical data as well as sun, Sunrise and sunset times in Wellington . Obviously choose the correct location for yourself.