Support for search and run commands

Support for search and run commands

Google Sheets has a “Search Menus” shortcut by pressing Alt+/.

Inkscape has the same feature by pressing Shift+/.

Gimp has “search and run” shortcut by pressing /.

Is it possible to implement such feature in Libreoffice Calc? Especially since it’s a command-dense application with many menus. Would make so many things easier this way.



I still have small issues like:

  1. For some reason, can’t bind Alt+/ to Run command.
  2. There’s support for bold, italic, but no support for changing borders, highlight, colors.

@avidseeker ,

… but no support for changing borders, highlight, colors.

Can that help?

Cell Styles in Calc

I know where to find the settings for these, but I think they should be added to the “Run command” menu. When you type “border” for example, you should be able to quickly set borders. Like this.

Apply the Styles from the Sidebar. You can sort them in various way (by name, by applied state, by the hierarchy…) for the easier usage. Then you not need the “search function of the styles”.

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Create an enhancement request, and make it block the META tdf#151228.

Submitted here: 153001 – Search for commands: add more styling commands

and here: 153002 – Improve keybinding system of Libreoffice