Tab leaders in Writer

My first query that I have failed to find an answer to in all other channels.
I find that setting tab leaders in Writer that a space appears before the end of the leader then the character is repeated. This is demonstrated in the attached image. It happens regardless of leader character though is not so obvious with a dash leader. Can this space and character repetition be removed?

Using X64 Windows 11 Home.
Tabs leaders.odt (12.1 KB)

Edit your question (don’t use a comment for such a minor update) to attach the sample file. I’d like to check the TOC generator.

I am really disappointed. I hoped you were using paragraph styles and the built-in TOC generator (which may give different results compared to “ordinary” formatting). This is manually entered text.

Here Fedora 39 (Linux) with KDE Plasma desktop, LO

Display is correct at all zoom factors (save perhaps for some factors which cause quantisation on my 2K monitor). The only anomaly I see is with the ellipsis leader character because spacing between two consecutive ones is not the same as the intra-spacing between the dots. But this originates in the font metrics. Ah! Forgot to mention Calibri is not installed on my system and some “Sans” font is substituted.

What you experience is either some change in 24.2.x.y (this version has not yet bubbled up in my Linux distro) or a visual artefact (though it is strange that it occurs so markedly in before-last position).

Thanks for your response, I have attached an example file as requested.

I got hung up with similar problem.