Table alignment when using master document wrong


I have created a master document which contains the toc and references other documents of cours too. In the other documents, my tables are well aligned but in the master document not. A screenshot says more than thousand words:

How it looks (left side: document, right side: master document)


Can anyone give me a hint on how to fix this?

With kind regards,

This comes from a diverging configuration of styles, notably paragraph styles.

When the merged document is rendered, style configuration defined in the master is used (because the “global” document is created from the master). This is not a bug. It allows very useful effects where a sub-document can show aspects for author’s eyes only while the “public” version in the master looks different.

The style in the master takes precedence on the style of the same name in the sub-document. When a style is not defined in the master, the definition is imported from the first sub-document where it is met. Consequently, if you reorder your sub-documents, the “missing” style can be imported from a different one, resulting potentially in a different look. This is confusing.

A way to avoid confusion is to base your master and sub-docs on the same template (a file with extension .ott) and to constrain yourself on modifying the styles only in the template and never in the master or sub-docs.

Unfortunately a screenshot does not tell the whole story. In Writer case, it does not reveal the styles used nor hints to formatting because you did not enable View>Formatting Marks. And you didn’t mention OS name, LO version. Since you use master+subs, I assume your documents are .odm and .odt.

By default, paragraphs in Writer tables are styled Table Contents (unless you chose a different style). You have different alignment in the style configuration in the master and sub-doc.

To avoid such an inconsistency, create a template with your customised styles (paragraph, character, page at least). Rebase your documents on this template with the TemplateChanger extension.

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