Table footer not being displayed on every page when converting from HTML to PDF

When converting HTML to PDF the table footers are not being displayed on every page. I have multiple pages which require a footer on each page. My HTML code is as follows:

<body style="font-family: 'Liberation-Mono'; font-size: 12px; margin:0; padding:0;">
    <table style = "width: 100%;
					page-break-after: always;
					page-break-before: always;
					display: table-header-group;
					display: table-footer-group;">
        <thead style="display: table-header-group;">
                <td colspan="3" style="text-align: left">
                <td colspan="5" style="text-align: center">
                <td colspan="2" style="text-align: right">
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Wing<br>Number</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Squadron</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Flight</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Launch<br>Facility</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Latitude<br><br>(DD MM SS.SSSSS)</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Latitude<br><br>(DD.DDDDDDDDD)</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Meridian<br>Deflection<br>(sec)</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Prime Verical<br>Deflection<br>(sec)</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Gravity<br><br>(ft/sec^2)</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Date<br><br>(MM/DD/YYYY)</th>
        <tfoot style="display: table-footer-group;">
                <td colspan="10" style="text-align: center">
    <table style = "width: 100%;
					page-break-after: always;
					page-break-before: always;
					display: table-header-group;
					display: table-footer-group;">
        <thead style="display: table-header-group;">
                <td colspan="3" style="text-align: left">
                <td colspan="5" style="text-align: center">
                <td colspan="2" style="text-align: right">
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Wing<br>Number</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Squadron</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Flight</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Launch<br>Facility</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Latitude<br><br>(DD MM SS.SSSSS)</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Latitude<br><br>(DD.DDDDDDDDD)</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Meridian<br>Deflection<br>(sec)</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Prime Verical<br>Deflection<br>(sec)</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Gravity<br><br>(ft/sec^2)</th>
                <td bgcolor="#D0E5EC">Date<br><br>(MM/DD/YYYY)</th>
        <tfoot style="display: table-footer-group;">
                <td colspan="10" style="text-align: center">

The table header is being display on every page. The “display: table-footer-group” should cause the footer to be display on every page but it only shows up under the table header at the beginning of each table.

Are you sure your HTML is correct? You open cell data with <td> and you close it with </th> instead of </td>.

Also, you are not using Writer as intended. You can create a formatted document as usual and export it to HTML (or PDF), but direct formatting will usually not be correctly translated while styling is. You can also create directly an HTML document with the dedicated mode but, once again, you won’t manipulate directly the HTML code.

Making HTML documents aimed for screen and print is usually done through CSS where you specify different properties for different devices. Personally I wouldn’t trust Writer to manage your conversion task.

And when you ask a question here, always mention OS name, LO version and save format (the latter not relevant in this case).