Table moved to second page

I was trying to edit a template with two separate tables. At some point, the second table moved to page two. I want them both on page one, and they will fit. Trying to CTRL-Z removed my edits, but didn’t put the table back in the original position on page one. The .bak file contains the errors. There was no line return after the first table, so I tried ALT-ENTER to add one. Which it did, but removing that didn’t move the second table back to the first place, either.

I really don’t want to have to recreate this template! It’s quite time consuming.

How can I move this second table back to its rightful place under the first table?

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Which operating system, which LibreOffice version are you working with?
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Thank you very much.

Sorry about that. I know better! Problem was solved on Reddit. Thanks! :slight_smile: