Table of content left to right while formatting is: superordinate object

when i write in Arabic the table of content, contents will be from left to right if i use superordinate object settings, and when i choose RTL it starts from right.
so do i have to use RTL option here? or I’m doing a mistake?
i tried to reproduce the problem in another file but it print it from right to left, so the problem my be in the file i have. i attached an example of the file.

the file also have another problem:

one of the heading shown in the navigator is not in the same size as others while the style of theme is one.

LO: Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 420(Build:2)
CPU threads: 4; OS: Linux 6.9; UI render: default; VCL: kf6 (cairo+wayland)
Locale: ar-DZ (en_US.UTF-8); UI: en-US
Calc: threaded
OS: manjaro linux

Your document is full of direct formatting. Your first task is to completely eliminate this direct formatting.

You’re apparently embarked on a 100+ pages document with sophisticated formatting and layout. You won’t go anywhere if you don’t follow a very methodical and strict approach to document construction. Work with styles, only with styles, exclusively with styles. And remember there are not only paragraph styles but also character (too often neglected) and page ones. The others are harder to tame, so concentrate on the former ones. In long documents, direct formatting is a dead end.

Not sure if this is the cause of the issue in your TOC. Your headings have a direct-format language forced to fr_FR, i.e. an LTR language. Unfortunately, I can’t delete this direct formatting in any way. I think you should restart from scratch, pasting your existing text as unformatted and applying styles.

Never vertically space with empty paragraphs. Your cover page is a remarkable example of what must not be done.

Also, why have you used Heading 2 to mark chapter starts? Do you intend to later add Heading 1 “separators”?

Strict methodology also applies to document structure. Unless you have some hack in mind (and hacks are always source of later difficulties), there should not be “holes” in levels. Book title is styled Title, first division level is Heading 1 (either parts or chapters), second division is Heading 2 (chapters or sub-chapters), …

Considering the quantity of direct formatting, I won’t analyse any further your document.


thank you. i tried to remove all the direct formatting, the rest of theme i didnt not pay attention. i will re analyze the file and pay attention of what you have said.

is there a way to remove all direct formatting from a file at once? (rather then opening another file) i tried ctrl+a but the option is greyed.
when i was using MS Office i often used to do direct formatting. so when i changed to LO i’m having some troubles with styles.

Ctrl+A to select all text (or make a manual selection), then Ctrl+M. But in your case some direct formatting can’t be removed. I was surprised to see that the fr_FR attribute “jumped” from paragraph DF to character DF. This one becomes persistent.

And most of the time you are compelled to because there is no character style in M$ Word. If you reworked your original .doc(x) with Writer (or pasted formatted contents), this is probably the cause of the persistent DF. Working with non-native format progressively damages documents in unrecoverable ways.

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that is exactly what i did. i opened the docx file with writer then i saved it in odf.

i have deleted all the special styles that came from MS Word (and i was using an edited template which added lot of styles and it was a mess).
and i have prepared a template with my own style configuration (default paragraph, title with spacing above and below to avoid vertically empty paragraphs, heading … and others), then i choose: load style from template with overwrite ticked. and the table of content problem now is fixed. but the navigation heading problem still exists.

edit: i find that the problem in that heading in navigator shown in small size is because of the special character in the end of it. if i remove it the size will be as others.

  • i want some single words to be in bold font. so i need to make a new style for those words?
  • can i select all footnotes at once?

if i add a break before heading 1 and i don’t want to use it in some cases then i use heading 2 as the main one to not have those breaks.