Table Style - not applied


I’m trying to switch from Word to LibreWriter.
I’m using version.
Whatever I try with Table Style it just won’t work as intuitive as Word.


  1. Open Writer
  2. Insert Table (single row)
  3. Styles
  4. Table Styles
  5. While cursor is in table, selected “Academic”
  6. Then “New Style from Selection”
  7. “Enter new style name:” Academic Custom
  8. Properties
  9. “Enter new style name:” Table Contents Custom
  10. “Character” Consolas 10pt
  11. “Table Cell Background Color” Light Gray 5

I can now see that this “Academic Custom” table style is applied to my new table.

Now when I try to change table style from “Academic Custom” to “Default Table Style” by double click on it. I don’t see the change in style.
When I change to “Applied Styles” it shows only “Default Table Style”.
Yet my table has style I applied with “Academic Custom”.

My questions:

  1. What is wrong with my “Academic Custom” table style?
  2. Is this correct way to manage table styles?
  3. How can I save my table style in Writer and not only in document?


IMO this style refers to paragraph styles. If you expand the styles selector you will see paragraph styles like heading 1 etc.
The styles for tables don’t include an own style “fraction” in the styles manager. So you cannot set or alter another style this way.
If you right click in a table you may choose some styles. But this proceeding is restricted.

You may combine some table style and paragraph style (“Table Contents”), if this is satisfactory for you.
Table styles seem to be based on some internal presettings which are hardly to handle.
More information:

Another approach could be to set some specially formatted tables into AutoText and copy them when needed into your text file.

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Take care with table styles, they always revert to the style when a change is made and they will overwrite any manual changes you made to the table.

It might be possible to to select just the element(s) you want such as Borders and Pattern and leave everything else unticked in the screenshot by @Grantler .

If you need to remove a table style, the only way I know to do so it to click Table > Convert > Table to text. Then select the contents and click Table > Convert > Text to table, separate at Tabs.

I recommend to play with a copies of your table in new documents until you understand how the result will turn out. To test a styled table, insert a new row in the middle and see how the other rows are affected.