Tables of contents suddenly have red borders

(I’ve posted this on reddit, but haven’t gotten any help there.)

A couple of days ago all my tables of contents started having red borders around them and between the table heading and the entries.

None of the paragraph styles in use in the toc, such as Contents4, Contents5, Table Heading, have borders. The Toc itself is an index and apparently doesn’t even have a border parameter.

This happened with LO 24.25 and now with 24.8.
It happens regardless of which template I’m using.
The borders do NOT show up in Print Preview.

So I thought it must be something in Options or the View menu, but I see nothing there.

Pic: screenshot 3 — Postimages

Edit: sample file:
toc border.odt (29.4 KB)

Sorry, but a screenshot does not allow to diagnose anything, and most notably when there are no formatting clues (no boundary of any kind, no formatting marks, no field shading, …). Attach a sample file. If your contents is confidential or private (I don’t so according to the screenshot), remove it but keep the TOC untouched and not updated.

Ok, I’ve added it to the OP. Thanks.

Does not happen here.

Not sure about it but you have configured a beige background in your page style. It is likely that LO has detected the background colour and changed the boundary lines colour to increase contrast. Bt default these boundary lines are light gray. This light gray is almost undistinguishable from beige. Consequently LO (not only Writer) tries to “disambiguate” its clues.

Go to Tools>Options, LibreOffice>Application Colors. Look for the Text Document section, Section Boundaries item. Either the colour is set to Automatic (and this is an attempt to contrast enhacement) or to Red (and you somehow set it so).

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Bingo. I did change Section boundaries to red recently.

This leads to a problem. How does one accentuate section breaks, which out of the box I found undecipherable, without affecting the table of contents. I fear it’s not possible. I’m not clear on why they are connected. What would be better, ISTM, would be for section breaks to show as non-printing characters.


There are no “section breaks”, don’t confuse with “sections” and “section breaks” in Word, which are completely different. In Writer, ToC is implemented as a special kind of a section; but it is an implementation detail, and I agree that the said option shouldn’t affect ToC. If you think so, please file a bug report.

When one “inserts” a new section, what do you call the resulting delineation point?

I guess the answer to that is section boundaries.

I will file a bug. I don’t find the current section boundary marker adequate, and I don’t think it should be tied to ToCs.

Thank you.

In Writer, word break is used to indicate user action causing text flow “hard” modification. Think of page break or column break where you decide to drop available page area resulting in an unused blank.

When you insert a section, there is no such “break” in text flow. Your text is laid out without rupture at the point you insert the section (note a section creates a paragraph break if you attempt to insert in the middle of a paragraph; you might consider this as a break but it is an ordinary paragraph break).

Of course the first paragraph in the section may request a page break or column break and this request will be honoured as usual and it will be hinted to with a formatting mark.

Sorry, most of that distinction escapes me. My fault I’m sure.

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