My environment: Windows 10, LibreOffice Version: (x64) HSQLDB Version 2.3.2 Split Database
Using a split database my objective is a private individual “mydata” directory containing database templates images and documents that can be moved around copied renamed and stored exchanged on a usb or pc.
I have problems establishing file and directory relationships
The ChDir function does not seem to work. Any explanation or alternative?
I seek to preset to the relevant directory for instance for a user fetching an image on an ImageControl.
I also have a problem locating templates.
I could only store templatess I made in the preset categories (I chose “my templates”) which are stored in the windows pc user files, there is no alternative.
I tried to copy, and use the “export template” on the “manage templates” menu , but the templates don’t work anywhere else, they only work if I choose those in the pc windows user files presented.
When I say templates-dont-work I mean no data is picked up from the database fields.
I did note that I can change templates paths used by LO in Tools Options Paths, I didn’t try changing this because it does not solve my problem. Both Template and Database need to be in a same directory in order to find each other. There are more than one database on a same pc.
I’m newbie to writer so maybe I simply don’t see or understand the obvious.
Thank you for any help.