You can create forms from a Writer document in Base using a small macro.
This is published in the document AndrewBase by Andrew Pitonyak found here → Database access using OpenOffice.org.
Section 2.3.2 deals with creating a form using a macro. While this entails controls as well as the basic form, the end of the routine contains code to convert the Writer document to the Base form.
As mentioned by @iplaw67 you can create the form using the GUI (or even directly with Writer). Then Save as .odt as your template.
Here is the macro:
Option Explicit
Sub Main
dim oProps(2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
dim oDocDef, oFormDocs
dim sFormName, sVar as string
sFormName = InputBox("Please enter name for form:", "Form from Writer Document")
oFormDocs = thiscomponent.FormDocuments
If oFormDocs.hasByName(sFormName) Then
sVar = MsgBox(Chr(10) & "Form " & sFormName & " already exists!" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Yes to overwrite; No to Exit", 132, "Form Already Exists!")
If sVar = 7 Then Exit Sub
End If
oProps(0).Name = "Name"
oProps(0).Value = sFormName
oProps(1).Name = "Parent"
oProps(1).Value = oFormDocs
oProps(2).Name = "URL"
oProps(2).Value = convertToUrl("/home/YOUR_DIRECTORY/MyBaseTemplate.odt")
Rem Windows:
'oProps(2).Value = convertToUrl("C:\YOUR_DIRECTORY\MyBaseTemplate.odt")
oDocDef = oFormDocs.createInstanceWithArguments("com.sun.star.sdb.DocumentDefinition", oProps())
oFormDocs.insertbyName(sFormName, oDocDef)
Print "Added " & sFormName & " to the database"
End Sub
Have slightly modified the original code to allow input of the form name you want and an escape if the form name already exists. You only need to change the line with oProps(2).Value = convertToUrl("LOCATION/NAME")
to reflect your template.
The macro should be saved in My Macros & Dialogs
in a module under Standard
. Forms can then be created using this by executing the macro from your main Base screen menu Tools->Macros->Run Macro...