Template Location & Use

I created a template based upon a specific file for recipes that I wish to use as a basis for creating other recipe files using all the same formatting. I have read some of the documentation, but I’m still a bit confused as to where to find my saved template and how to use it to create a similar recipe document.

This template has got .ott as extension, hasn’t it? Like Recipe.ott.

When you have saved this template then start to integrate it in Writer templates.
Open Recipe.ott and you will get a file like Untitled 1.odt. Open Menu File | Templates | Save as template… (Recipe) (see screenshot). Now this file will be copied in the templates folder as Recipe.ott.
You can check this with your file manager. The path reads in Menu Tools | Options… | LibreOffice | Paths.

Only then it is possible to start a new Writer document which is based on the Recipe.ott template from Menu File | New | Templates… | My Templates | Recipe.
(You could now erase the original Recipe.ott.)

To set it as default template means that if you start a simple new Writer document it will be based on Recipe.ott. (In most cases this will be not useful - but can be done for some time, if you have to work the most time on new recipes.)


To be more accurate, there are two ways to use .ott templates:

  • non-integrated templates
    Double-click on the .ott file icon and you have a new untitled .odt document based on the template.
    Pro: very simple
    Con: the document is not linked to the template, which means modifications to the template styles will not be automatically forwarded to the document.
  • integrated templates
    The procedure is described by @Grantler. The template is registered to Writer and you create a new document with File>New>Templates.
    Con: the template must be registered first (you do it only once)
    Pro; when you modify your template styles, they are updated in the dependent document next time you open it.

Note that I talk here only about template styles. Initial contents is copied to the .odt only when it is created. Forwarding modified contents on a later session could cause data loss. Consequently this is forbidden.


Most helpful. Thank you both.

(post deleted by author)