Text boundaries are gone on L.O.

I Liked to see the text boundaries (tables, sections etc).
In L.O. This Options, although accessible in the menu View, they are marked as “deprecated” and they are not visibles.
Is there any way to visualize those elements?

  • The less destructive solution is the @EarnestAl one

I don’t see where they are marked as deprecated.
See ReleaseNotes/25.2 - The Document Foundation Wiki

Click Tools > Options > LibreOffice Writer > Formatting Aids and select what object boundaries that you want to see.


You likely have a customized menu, which disables update of the items. So it shows you some obsoleted commands, which were deprecated; but that have proper non-deprecated substitutes.

Try HelpRestart in Safe Mode, and there in safe mode, check the menu. Then you may want to reset the profile, to have the menu updated. Note that resetting profile will drop all customizations / installed extensions.

To reset just the menus to their default settings, click Tools > Customise > Menus and click the Reset button

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