Text gets scrambled when I paste text into document?

When pasting text from email into documents text gets scrambled?

OS, LO version

What is the source email application? Have you tried Edit>Paste Special, Unformatted text?

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Paste without formatting.

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When you copy “text” in any application, data is stored in the clipboard primarily in the application internal format (since copy-n-paste is mainly used inside a single app) to keep formatting. Usually, the same data is also stored in alternate formats so that “external” inter-application copy-n-paste can be successful if destination app does not understand source app format.

In LO, Edit>Paste (Ctrl+V) uses the primary format. Edit>Paste Special (Ctrl+Shift+V) opens a dialog allowing to choose of of the alternate formats if any. Among them, there is Unformatted text.

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