Text in Calibri font not displaying in LibreOffice 4


I have recently opened a document in LibreOffice Calc and noticed that the document is text-less, but the highlights, borders and images are present. However, I can see the text content at the editbar above when I click on the cells. All the text is in Calibri font. When I change the font to something else, the text content appears correctly.

I then tested Calibri font in LibreOffice Writer and the outcome is the same: Calibri text content does not appear at all. I did a further test on other app like KWrite, however Calibri font can be displayed correctly. Tried disabling embedded bitmap in fontconfig also made no difference.

I performed a full system update and also tried switching between freetype2 and freetype2-infinality and the result is the same: LibreOffice 4 cannot display Calibri text content. Appreciate if someone can help me with this issue. Thanks.

My Arch Linux system (64-bit) has the following:

  • KDE 4.10.4
  • LibreOffice 4.0.4
  • freetype2-infinality
  • ttf-ms-win8

Note: The Calibri font is obtained directly from my other Win8 installation. The issue affects all Calibri fonts, i.e. Light, Italics, Bold, etc. Other fonts such as Cambria are not affected. Another user on Arch Linux Forum reported that downgrading to LibreOffice 4.0.3 resolved the issue. (Text in Calibri font not displaying in LibreOffice 4 / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums)

When you say the “font is obtained directly from my other Win8 installation” is there an OpenType version as well or just a TrueType? The Arch package / page only lists TTFs. The fact that Cambria works should help narrow the problem.

The files are calibri*.ttf which I obtained from C:\Windows\Fonts, not sure if it isTrueType or OpenType. A user reported upstream 4.0.4 package is OK, the problem may be Arch-specific, so it needs to be further verified.

OK, well that is a lead at least. Please report back anything you find. The versions of Calibri I have here (all *.ttf) from Office: Mac 2011 appear to be TrueType. I asked because I am not familiar with Win8.