Text squished in a single line in Writer

HI all,

I’ve created a very simple Writer document, 3 pages:

  1. Title + Table
  2. A nested list
    — Page Break —
  3. Just a title

Unfortunately when I opened back the file the text was either squished in a single line or has completely disappeared.

Do you have any idea why has this happened and how could I get my text back?

Here below you can find a screenshot of page 1. Title has disappeared, table is completely empty (the first 5 lines weren’t), and nested list of page 2 now is squished together in page 1. When I hover the text with the mouse pointer it feels like there are many layers of text in a single line, but I really have no idea of what’s going on.


  • OS: Microsoft Windows 10
  • LO:

Thank you.

@Alakaei: Please share the file or a download link to get it. Thanks.

And mention OS name + LO version

Updated original post

Displays as expected here. Recommendation: avoid direct formatting, notably empty paragraphs to vertically space. Direct formatting always plays nasty tricks on your back.

Your page-2 list is not homogeneous (too many stylistic variations over items). A list is supposed to be made of equally important items, implying they look the same. Exceptionally, one item may be highlighted, but do this with styles.

How do I restore the page to some default formatting so that I can retrieve my data?

I’m not sure how I may have directly formatted the page.

In page 2 at the moment I see nothing (completely blank), but the list was supposed to be a simple nested list with a few variations in fonts, nothing other than that.


Is the attached PDF file what you wanted to create? I didn’t change anything.
Theory of Computation.pdf (47.7 KB)

Sent you a PM with your document in an alternate file format, which may enable you to retrieve content.
I suspect that there is an issue with your LibreOffice install. I and others have opened your file and it displays as you describe that it should. A few possible ways to resolve your issue:

  • The problem may be a display issue, caused by incomplete display driver updates. Try a reboot.
    Note that pushing the power button on most current computers will start hibernation/suspend mode. Starting from hibernation is not a full restart. Use the reboot option at On/Off on the start menu.
    If there is a “update and reboot” option, you are certainly on the right track. Let the reboot complete (which may take from less than a minute to more than an hour, depending on the amount of updates waiting), and then try to reopen your document.
  • Try to repair the LibreOffice install from the system settings/Apps applet and see whether your document opens now.
  • Try to restart LibreOffice in safe mode (restart option available on the Help menu), and see whether you can open your document.