The lock file could not be created for exclusive access by LibreOffice, due to missing permission to create a lock file on that file location or lack of free disk space.
How to fix so emailed file can be opened?
The lock file could not be created for exclusive access by LibreOffice, due to missing permission to create a lock file on that file location or lack of free disk space.
How to fix so emailed file can be opened?
Make the title short.
What email client are you using? What operating system? In which temporary directory does the email client save the file from the letter before opening it with LibreOffice? Have you tried to save the file from the letter to the document directory and then open it?
Don’t double click the attachment in your email client, but save to a directory known being writeable (e.g. your Documents
directory) first and open from there.
Probably anti-ransomware setting by OS or anti-virus
Mac Try this page to enable Full Disc Access for LO
It may also be that Windows has updated its setting for Controlled Folder Access - see [Tutorial] Problems with Windows Defender under Windows 10 (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum for more information.