According to the argument ‘-t’
“specifies a UNOIDL type name, e.g. (can be used more than once)”. This was evidently taken from the uno-skeletonmaker command-line ‘help’ which has the same wording.
However this description fails to explain which entity the UNOIDL type name qualifies. For example, is it the type of the skeleton code to be generated (presumably not, since that’s defined by the ‘calc-add-in’ command), the type of each value returned by the Java methods implemented in this addIn, or what?
An article on GITHUB makes a brave attempt to comprehensively document use of the SDK tools, apparently in a MS Windows environment, but doesn’t list the CLI command line of each step. The author writes that they created some batch scripts, but I wasn’t able to find them.
The author does offer many useful tips in passing, for example:
“uno-skeletonmaker.exe requires a reference to the component’s RDB file, Office’s types.rdb, and a fully qualified Java interface name (i.e. org.openoffice.randonsents.XRandomSents).”
which I’ve done with ‘-l’ but again the question is why?
I’d greatly appreciate light anyone can shed on the ‘-t’ qualifier. What does it actually do for uno-skeletonmaker ?
I should add that I wrote two successful Java calc addIns using the old method of hand-coding the lot some years ago, but felt this time I’d use the development tools.