There's a big white box over my presentation slides...Why? and how do I fix it?

I’m using Libre Office Impress. When I am working on my slides they look just fine, but when I go to run the slide show a big white block of space with a “pause” icon in the upper left corner appears and I can only see a sliver of the actual slide on the right hand side of the screen. Any suggestions on how to remedy this??

If you have problems with a particular file, share it.

In addition to @gabix, your problem should not be.
It could be a problem in your file and we can not see it from our location.

Please edit your initial question, there you can upload your file here. Thank you.

Hi, I have the same problem. Please can you help.

this is the powerpoint. Any help gratefully received

OS: LinuxMint 19.3; Mate; LO

  • On slide 24 the song Let it be is embedded. On my machine this causes a hang up of LibreOffice.
    I either was not able to erase the song nor to stop it (in edit mode). In edit mode it (the symbol) shows up only for a flash when triggering the automatic preview for this single slide.
  • On slide 26 another sound file is embedded (Guitar or similar). No problems in playing, but no chance to edit/erase it nor to play on the Media player.
  • I could not register that.
  • Some text boxes are larger than the slide, so some text is not readable.
  • There are overall 3 songs/music files (mp3 format) embedded but saved in 2 different media folders in your file. (Rename to a ZIP file and open/edit with a compression program.) You can easily extract the 3 audio files and use for rebuilding the presentation as a LibreOffice presentation…

Advice: Build up your file from anew as odp format. Surely you may use the given structures in a “new way”. Check how to embed songs in LO presentations (if embedding works the right way).
Some information was corrected, see @LeroyG 's comment (thank you!).


LibreOffice also hangged for me in slide 24, still showing slide 23.
Slide 26 has a few sounds, and works well (thy try with Shift+F5).

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