Hi. There’s an a**hole selling “installation service” of LibreOffice here https://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-611074507-reemplace-microsoft-office-por-una-version-gratuita-_JM?quantity=1#reco_item_pos=2&reco_backend=machinalis-seller-items&reco_backend_type=low_level&reco_client=vip-seller_items-above&reco_id=e9952181-e44a-4e07-94ef-0b7b8483552e, which is kind of a local eBay in Argentina and Brazil.
What it says in the description is that they are not selling LibreOffice, they are selling the installation service.
Is this legal?? If not, what are the arguments to use so I can report it to the site.