Thousand and comma

I live in Europe, Italy, and I use on Windows 10 LibreOffice Calc ver. (x64) set in italian (it-IT). When I write thousands without dot or comma. When I paste a values i.e. like “2,000” (two thousand) Calc automatically changes it in “2”. What can I do to automatically change “2,000” in “2000” with no dot or commas? Thank you

What is your locale? This is highly culture-specific, thus knowing the locale is primordial. More generally mention OS name and LO version. Please, edit your question to provide this information. Don’t use a comment. It is more contributor-friendly to have all details in a single location.

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Change the locale for entire office suite: Tools>Options>LanguageSettings>Langauges>Locale
Change it for a cell: Right-click>Format cells… change the language setting on tab “Number format”
Change it for a group of distinct cells: Create a cell stlye for the cells in questions and change the language setting on tab “Number format”
Change it for a particular Calc document: Edit the default cell style.
Change it for every new Calc document: Create a default spreadsheet template and edit its default cell style.
If you have no idea what a cell style is: read it up or remove this office suite from your computer.

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I want to change just one document, so this is the solution, thank you very much!
Here I have found how to edit the default cell style:

In the it-IT Italian (Italy) locale the decimal separator is , comma, so naturally if you paste 2,000 it is the value 2 with three decimals of 0. If you want to work in an English locale that has comma as the group (aka thousands) separator you need to switch locale, either application wide under Tools → Options → Language Settings → Languages, Formats, Locale setting (for example choose English (Canada) that at least has a decent ISO 8601 date); or on cell level prior to pasting assign such number format which afterwards you can turn back to the Default Italian locale to display the value as you are used to.

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Thank you, changing the "global " options works perfectly, but the change affects all my other Calc files, and it can be a problem.

How should I do that? I have tried do that by changing the language of the cell but it doesn’t work, I think I am missing something.

Do you mean Format Cells / Numbers / Language or Format Cells / Font / Language?
The first option is correct.

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Yes of course it’s Numbers, the number format’s language/locale, not the Font text language.

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Sorry I am bit confused: should I format the cell before or after pasting in the numbers? It seems to me that it doesn’t work both ways.

Step 1 - format the cell. Step 2 - enter or paste a value.
If a cell value is assigned, then changing the format will not change that value.

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Before. Besides the problem @sokol92 named you have to do it before Calc would convert your 2,000 to 2
After the paste the wrong detection and conversion is already done and can not be changed by formatting.