Tips for embedding video in impress -- bug or my mistake?

Video support in Impress has improved over the last few years but still seems a bit touch-and-go. I’ve found a lot of advice on how to e.g. pause and restart videos in impress, but I still find behavior is very unpredictable. In particular, if I jump to slides (backwards/forwards, by number) all videos in a presentation cease to function and appear as garbled images in the presentation. The same thing happens if I have animations associated (e.g. a pause/unpause whether interactive or timed) – on the next page the new video will be unresponsive.

Now this appears to be a bug, but perhaps it’s just an issue with codec or somesuch. That said, I’ve tried libx264 with an mp4 wrapper as well as ogg vorbis and both cause issues.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

I’m on kubuntu 22.04 using LO