Hi, nothing seems simple when doing it the first time! I have managed to successfully install a Firebird 3.0 server on a Windows 7 machine, connect to it, and, using isql or FlameRobin, created and filled tables etc. So far so good.
Next step: connecting to the Firebird server from LibreOffice 6.2. Various posts and indications from Ratslinger point to using the Jaybird JDBC to enable this.
So I downloaded Jaybird 3.0.8-JDK_1.8.zip, unzipped it and located the jaybird-full-3.0.8.jar file, and pointed to it in LibreOffice in Class Path.
Then I went into the Base Database Wizard, and selected “Connect to an existing database”, using the .fdb file I had set up previously in FlameRobin.
I selected the option “JDBC”, and then followed Ratslinger’s instructions: Datasource URL set: jdbc:firebirdsql:oo://localhost//c:/d/libre/firstdb.odb
JDBC driver class: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver
Tested the class and all ok.
Then moved onto specifying username and password, tested the connection, but got the error message that wire encryption was required.
Where do I set this in LibreOffice?
answer my own question: in firebird.conf, I set WireCrypt = Enabled
Now a different error, it can’t find the database, so I presume it is in the pathname I have specified.
Any suggestions? Thanks!