Trouble with UNION for two queries

I want to generate a report that is a union of two queries. Each query works just fine by itself and returns the results I expect. I’ve carefully checked that all the column names match in the final output of each query. When I try to put them together I just can’t get it to work. Any help would be much appreciated, and an explanation of what’s going on under the hood would also help me with learning Base!


SELECT null as “job_id”, null as “task_id”, null as “task_part_id”, null as “sequence_number”, null as “material”, “Tool”.“name” as “part_description”, null as “length”, null as “width”, null as “quantity”, null as “receive_direct_to_installation”, null as “source”, “StorageLocation”.“name” as “location”, null AS “weight”, 0 as “running_total”, 10 AS “category”, null AS “material_source_id” FROM “Bring” join “Tool” on “Bring”.“tool_id”=“Tool”.“id” join “StorageLocation” on “Tool”.“storage_location_id”=“StorageLocation”.“id” where “Bring”.“programme_id”= :programme_id


SELECT “v”.“job_id”, “v”.“task_id”, “v”.“task_part_id”, “v”.“sequence_number”, “v”.“material”, “v”.“part_description”, “v”.“length”, “v”.“width”, “v”.“quantity”, “v”.“receive_direct_to_installation”, “v”.“source”, “v”.“location”, “v”.“length” * “v”.“width” * “v”.“depth” * “v”.“density” * “v”.“quantity” / 1000000 AS “weight”, “r”.“running_total”, CEILING( “r”.“running_total” / “c”.“coefficient” ) AS “category”, “MaterialSource”.“id” AS “material_source_id” FROM “query_ManufacturingListSetup” “v” JOIN ( SELECT “coefficient” FROM “Coefficient” WHERE “id” = 4 ) “c” ON 1 = 1 JOIN ( SELECT “v1”.“sequence_number”, “v1”.“job_position_in_programme”, SUM( “v2”.“w” ) AS “running_total” FROM ( SELECT “sequence_number”, “job_position_in_programme” FROM “query_ManufacturingListSetup” ) “v1” JOIN ( SELECT “sequence_number”, “job_position_in_programme”, “length” * “width” * “depth” * “density” * “quantity” / 1000000 AS “w” FROM “query_ManufacturingListSetup” ) “v2” ON ( “v1”.“job_position_in_programme” > “v2”.“job_position_in_programme” ) OR ( “v1”.“job_position_in_programme” = “v2”.“job_position_in_programme” AND “v1”.“sequence_number” >= “v2”.“sequence_number” ) GROUP BY “v1”.“job_position_in_programme”, “v1”.“sequence_number” ) “r” ON “v”.“sequence_number” = “r”.“sequence_number” AND “v”.“job_position_in_programme” = “r”.“job_position_in_programme” INNER JOIN “TaskPart” ON “v”.“task_part_id” = “TaskPart”.“id” INNER JOIN “Task” ON “TaskPart”.“task_id” = “Task”.“id” INNER JOIN “Job” ON “Task”.“job_id” = “Job”.“id” INNER JOIN “TaskPartType” ON “TaskPart”.“task_part_type_id” = “TaskPartType”.“id” LEFT JOIN “MaterialSource” ON “TaskPart”.“material_source_id” = “MaterialSource”.“id” WHERE “Job”.“programme_id” = :programme_id AND “TaskPart”.“imaginary” = FALSE AND NOT “TaskPartType”.“supplier_id” IN ( 7 ) AND NOT ( “TaskPartType”.“supplier_id” IN ( 1, 2 ) AND “TaskPart”.“length” <= 2000 AND “TaskPart”.“width” <= 620 ) AND NOT ( “TaskPartType”.“supplier_id” NOT IN ( 1, 2, 9 ) AND ( “TaskPart”.“delivery_date” IS NULL OR “TaskPart”.“delivery_date” > CURRENT_DATE ) ) AND ( “category” < 3 OR ( “category” > 2 AND ( “TaskPart”.“delivery_date” IS NULL OR “TaskPart”.“delivery_date” < CURRENT_DATE ) ) ) OR ( “receive_direct_to_installation” = TRUE AND NOT “v”.“location” = ‘Van pigeonhole long shelves’ ) AND “TaskPart”.“material_source_id” <> 30 ORDER BY “category” ASC, “running_total” DESC

First query contains a parameter. So you have to execute this query through GUI. But UNION could only be executed if you press “Execute SQL directly”. Set the parameter by a table instead. I call this kind of table tbl_Filter. Should only show one row, for you for example “ID” (boolean) and “programme_id”. So you could write
(SELECT "programme_id" FROM "tbl_Filter" WHERE "ID" = TRUE) instead of :programme_id

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Thanks for this Robert, since I need to use this query regularly I think I might set it up in a form using a table “filter_Programme” as you suggest. Hopefully I should then be able to get it to return results from both the tables and then print it off (a hard-copy print-out is what I need to end up with).