Trouble with vector signs, v 24.2

So, when I create this formula vec {A}_{n,j} the vector sign doesn’t stay on top of A but is aligned to the middle. So, the longer I make the subscript, the farther it gets away from A and towards the center.
If I use “widevec” instead, the vector sign extends to accommodate the subscript as well. How do I make the subscript only pertain to A and not to pertain to what’s written in the subscript?
Thanks in advance

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{vec A}_{n, j}

Explanation: explicitly delimit what is to be considered the vector. Variable names can be more than one-letter long. Using brackets to isolate the “master” symbol is the way to go.


{vec {A}}_{n,j}
I played a bit with the zoom level for the screenshot.


Thanks, I have just realized it :slight_smile: