I have a spreadsheet of addresses that I have created into a database. Mail Merge Wizard is missing steps that would allow me to save the document and have all of the addresses transfer to the mailing label sheet. I am using the most current version of LibreOffice on xubuntu 17. Please help.
Why are you using Mail Merge Wizard and not Labels - File->New->Labels
? Is your database registered? Exactly what steps have you taken? There is no such thing as ‘…most current version of LibreOffice…’.
I have the same problem and have registered my database but not sure it was registered correctly. I was able to do labels a year ago for Christmas and can not figure out how to do the mail merge for labels now
@JoanIngram If the database was registered it will appear in the ‘Data Sources’ (Ctrl+Shift+F4).
Have you looked through the links provided in my answer? Especially the first link.
These posts may help printing labels:
Having trouble populating a table with a spread sheet
Unable to bring up new document in labels
Many more with a simple search of labels