TSCP Classification - overlaps text in header/footer

TSCP Classification - at the moment overlaps text in header/footer up to existing one, about classification in early saved Doc Files.
We have to identify a way to avoid overlaps up to existing text about classification.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. open a document classificated in Microsoft Word with Boldon James, through Libre Office Writer
  2. Apply TSCP Classification (with text in header/footer)
  3. Text overlaps up to existing one

Expected Results:
to improve a verification and don’t ovelaps the text

OS: Windows 10
LO version:
Save format: ODT

You tagged base. Is this a question related to the database frontend component Base? Looks rather like a Writer question. If so, retag as writer.

Reopen your question (click on below it, the on the “pencil” icon to enter edit mode). Elaborate more to give a clearer description of the issue. Attach a sample file to facilitate analysis.

Be aware that if you address a Word-specific feature, it could be implemented differently in LO.

Mention OS name, LO version and save format.

Duplicated at TSCP Classification - enforce a specific message in Header and in Footer?