i did not find a way to extend the existing save types, but i still wanted to help you out.
Here is what i came up with.
First import the following macro (“Tools” → “Macros” → “Edit Macros…” ) It can save any open csv file as a “real” tsv file with the same name and location but tsv extension.
Sub SaveTSV
Dim args(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args(0).Name = "FilterName"
args(0).Value = "scalc: Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"
args(1).Name = "FilterOptions"
args(1).Value = "9,34,0,1,1/5/2/1/3/1/4/1"
Dim parts
parts = Split(ThisComponent.getUrl(),".")
Dim ext
ext = parts(UBound(parts))
if ( ext = "csv" ) then
Dim newname
for i = LBound(parts) to UBound(parts) -1
newname = newname & parts(i)
ThisComponent.storeToURL(newname & ".tsv", args())
End Sub
Second bind any Keyboard Key (for example any Function-key) that you like to call that macro.
Like this:
This should allow you to save a tsv copy of any opend csv very quickly
I know it’s not what you requested, but maybe it’s still useful for you.
Hope that helps.
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