TTS not starting, with error

After selection of text and pressing the TTS button. It opens up a Error in LO BASIC.

BASIC syntax error. Variable nPage
already defined.

(edit: activated screenshot)

What is “TTS” button? (Some extension I assume?) And what is LibreOffice version you use? (Because this check was introduced only lately.)

Of course that’s the error someone made in “fiGetSlideNoteIndex”, which takes an argument named nPage, and tries to Dim a local variable also named nPage. The extension authors should be notified, I suppose.

FTR: Variable nPage already defined in LibreOffice 6.4+ · Issue #1 · jimholgate/ability-tools · GitHub

Sorry, I had been using it for long. I forgot it was an external extension.

It is this one

I updated it manually. and it is working fine now.

Thanks Mike.