Turning off no list

I’ve been trying for days to turn off the no list option so I can make bulleted lists. I’m not sure how it got turned on. I can’t unclick the no list box, F12 doesn’t work, nor does any variation on F12 (shift, ctrl) All I can find googling around is instructions on how to turn lists off, not back on. Can anyone help?

What type of the User Interface are you using?
Standard Menubar and Toolbars or
NoteBookBar (tabbed toolbar)?

You can adjust the appearance of the Normal Toolbars in the Menu:
View - Toolbars

Or you can adjust the visible icons of a specific one Toolbar in the Menu:
Tools - Customize

Normal toolbar. The no list button is visible and unclickable. Thanks, but I don’t think that’s the solution.

Is it just one document? Possibly, you have a corrupted document or some strange list style; a short sample with random text would help.

Or can you create a new document and add a list to that? If not then possibly it is a corrupted profile. Try in Safe Mode (Help > Restart in safe mode > Continue in Safe Mode) or with a temporary profile, LibreOffice user profile - The Document Foundation Wiki

The “No List” indicator in the Formatting toolbar or the List Styles deck of the Sidebar is automatically turned off when you select a type of list you wish to use.

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This is likely the left, center, right, and justified alignment buttons in Writer (not in Calc): you can’t turn off them all.

Yes, I feel you as I had the same problem. I solved it by removing the “Auto Correct” (Tools / AutoCorrect / AutoCorrect Options…) and I removed all the check mark in the “Options” tabs, columns “M” and “T”. Each time I was trying to make my own “list”, it was “re arranged” automatically the way the list system wanted to, by removing my autocorrect options, I can type my list whathever way I feel like and it will remain as typed :slight_smile: