Txt field in report not expanding

I have a report where a txt box with a field will not expand. I’ve tried loading the field from the Icon “add field” I’ve loaded it manually as a text box. in both cases it works great when I run the “execute report” but soon as I save it and re-open it it convers back to not expanding.
I’ve tried changing the detail of the report to associate with different field but that doesn’t seem to matter.

I did change the Auto Grow field to yes.

AutoGrow is a littel but tricky. It will only be saved well for the first entry in a row.
Set =DATE EDIT to AutoGrow, so =NOTES will also work with AutoGrow.
Set =NOTES to AutoGrow, not =DATE EDIT, AutoGrow will work when executing directly, but won’t work after saving and executing the report directly from Base.

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Thanks, having the first field “can grow” fixed this issue.

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