LibreOffice does not recognize folders or files on the Windows partition of my dual boot Ubuntu/Windows system, though no other apps in use have the same problem.
I am running Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. System dual boots with Windows 10. Data files are held in Windows partition. All data is readable/editable by other Ubuntu applications. It is important that the data files be accessible from both Ubuntu and Windows, so copying them to the Ubuntu folders is not a solution.
Working from: LibreOffice, build ID: libreoffice- Selecting LibreOffice Write’s File / Open…
shows files in Ubuntu’s Home, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos folders (Files can be opened and edited from any of these Ubuntu folders), but attempting to access a folder on the Windows partition produces an error:
“Could not read the contents of mnt”
“Error opening directory ‘/mnt’:
Permission denied”
PROBLEM 2: Working from Ubuntu’s Nautilus file manager. Double-clicking on a .doc or .odt document file in the Ubuntu Documents folder successfully opens the file in LibreOffice Writer, but double-clicking on a document file in the Windows partition produces an error:
“/mnt/Windows/[…/filename] does not
I have seen similar problems discussed (one related to gnome integration, another to removable USB media). And I have noted that some from years ago have been closed as duplicates, with no further guidance provided. If my question is a duplicate, I would very much appreciate being directed to a discussion that resolves the issue.