I’ve inherited a Calc spreadsheet which has a column chart, and need to delete the moving average trend line for data series “Hits”. It’s displayed in the legend, yet does not appear in the chart so I can’t simply select it and press “DEL”.
The X-axis columns are minimal at the moment, since data for the remaining days of this month hasn’t been entered yet. So, I’ve tried:
Filtering the data and unchecking “(empty)” to expand the graph and display bars for only the first two days.
Adding dummy data for the rest of the month, so there’s plenty to come up with a moving average.
Deleting the Y-axis major grid, thinking it may have been hiding behind it.
Still, no joy. I have a feeling this is probably something dumb I’ve overlooked, but have been unable to find any other options to possibility resolve the issue.
Thanks in advance for any ideas or suggestions!