Unable to enter unicode in equation edditor

I’m running RHEL 8.8 with LibreOffice and the latest 7.4.7 and 7.5.5. My font is FreeSerif in Write and in equation editor. In equation editor I type in CTRL-Shift, an underlined u displays. As soon as I type in the first unicode number, the underlined u is replaced by the number I just entered. Continue with the rest of the unicode number and finally ENTER. All I get is the unicode numbers, not the symbol/char correspond to the unicode.

Typo: not working in not

Furthermore, an old install Libreoffice on the same RHEL 8.8 laptop, entering unicode in equation editor works. Also, there’s no issue with Libreoffice but on Ubuntu 22.04 and FreeSerif in Writer and equation editor.

Doesn’t help, but no problem here, LO 7.5.4 on Fedora, GNOME, Ctrl+Shift+U 1234 Enter produces

BTW, in Writer (not equation editor), entering unicode works.

My bad, I meant to say CTRL-SHIFT u.

To recap, Alt-X is for Windows only. As mentioned before, on RHEL 8.8, LO, CTRL+SHIFT+u works in Writer and equation editor, but with LO, it works in Writer but not in equation editor. Just to make it clear, I use GNOME. At least LO on Ubtuntu 22.04/GNOME CTRL+SHIFT+u works in equation editor, Thanks for all the comments.

Wrong! This is a specific feature in LO and it’s platform-agnostic (of course provided the key combination is not intercepted by the OS and passed to LO).

I surely dont know every OS / GUI, but Alt+X
should work as described, imo, always if there is

  1. A modifier key Alt on the used keyboard.
  2. The drivers evaluate that modifier.
  3. Alt+X is not used for a different functionality by the OS.

If one of these conditions is not met, the
path (first level name probably adapted) should allow to assign the
Function "Toggle Unicode Notation"
to a different modified key.

Please tell me in what I’m wrong.

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@ajlittoz, thanks for correcting my error where it is based on old info. Yes, U+ ATL-X works in equation editor on LO I’m so happy to know a universal way to work across Windows and Linux. THANK YOU!

As far as I know, there is no defined keyboard shortcut for Ctrl+Shift+U (and none for Ctrl+Shift since this sequence is incomplete from the application point of view). Is this an OS cheat trick? Though RHEL is close to my Fedora, this does not work here.

The standard LO way to enter a Unicode codepoint is to type U+hexa_encoding followed by Alt+X. This works in all LO components, Writer and Math included.

If there is no ambiguity, you can leave off U+ (letter U, case indifferent, plus sign). Reminder: the encoding is specified in hexadecimal. This is different from a Windows trick where you enter decimal.

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It is a GNOME feature, see Code points in Enter special characters .

@erAck Thanks, I don’t use Gnome, I prefer KDE Plasma and this is not provided by this desktop.