Unable to get page numbers to start on the right page

I am trying to start headers and footers on page 6 but cannot get things to work. I understand that I am supposed to change page styles to do this, so perhaps if I explain what I am doing then someone can let me know where I am going wrong.

The first page should have no header or footer and when I open Styles, Default Page Style → Edit Style is showing that headers and footers are not turned on.

I go to page 5, where I want to start showing headers and footers. I go Insert → More Breaks → Manual Break (Page break is selected) and click OK.

I right click in Styles and select First Page. I right-click and choose Edit Style. In General I change Default Page Style to First Page. I click Header On and Footer On, then press OK.

I click at the bottom of the page and Footer opens up. I click within the box and go Insert → Page Number then OK.

The number 6 (not 1) is inserted and I see that pages 1-5 also have page numbers.

I thought that starting with Default Page Style, whick does not have page numbers, then switching to First Page, which does have page numbers, would start page numbers where they are supposed to start, but that is not the case.

Can anyone guide me as to where my understanding is faulty?

Thanks -


You surely are struggling with page styles.
A step by step tutorial could be helpful for you:
which includes an outstanding tutorial in some languages.

Chapters are e. g.
12 Default Page Formatting
13 Title Page
14 Papers Without a Title Page
15 Pages with and without numbers
16 Roman Page Numbering

Give it a try.

You might look at my answer to a post two days ago, Page numbers starting at page 5. No page numbers for Title, Copywrite, etc - #2 by EarnestAl

I tried that. I couldn’t find “Styles and Formatting” so I assumed that they meant Styles. There is supposed to be an “Organizer” tab but there is none. I am guessing that this tutorial is for an older version of the software, so I am still lost.

Thanks, it looks like that worked.
