Unable to Locate Template Directory

I’m just trying to create a simple template to use with LibreOffice (the text editor or word processor - I think LibreOffice calls the application “Writer”).

I’m using these instructions:

However, the instructions refer to a checkbox that I don’t have. Also, the instructions just say “Save in the My Templates category.” Presumably this is a directory - but, I have no idea.

Next I discovered that the following command sequence provides paths that LibreOffice uses - including a path or paths to templates. Great.

However when I use the following command sequence - there are two directories and each directory is ~kind of~ obfuscated. (see my screen capture) So, I still don’t know where the templates are located.

Tools >> Options >> LibreOffice >> Paths.

So . . . How do you make a default template? I’ve already created a template with the ott extension. How do you LOCATE the template directory?

I’ve tried searching my computer the template director - but no luck.

I’m using windows 10 and LibreOffice

I didn’t realize until after I created screen captures, annotated those screen captures and typed up this post that you can’t upload an image. So, I’ve uploaded my images to my OneDrive account and shared those images - links are below.

Screen Capture of Path Thing in LibreOffice:
LibreOffice Paths Thingy

Screen Capture of Annotated Instructions:
LibreOffice Instructions - Annotated

You only need to locate the template directory to back it up. The path is shown in Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Paths. In Windows Explorer, you might need to click View > Show > Hidden files and folders

To save a document as a template:

  • Click *File - Templates - Save as template
  • In the dialogue that appears
    • Give it a relevant name
    • Choose a category, My Templates is good
    • Choose whether to set it as Default template or not.
  • Save

If it is set as Default template, every new blank document will be based on it.

If it is not default and you want to use that template, click File - New - Templates and select the template, click Open.

If you have created a default template and no longer want it to be default then click File - Templates - Manage templates . In the dialogue that opens, right click the template with green tick (default template) and select Reset default.

In the same dialogue, you can also right click an existing template and select Edit to make alterations to the template.

To upload an image here, click the 7th icon from left with tooltip *Upload*

This doesn’t answer any of my questions. Did you read my post?

Those instructions and mine refer to the menu (generally, all instructions use the menus). If you do not see the menubar click the icon with tooltip menubar. In the Tabbed interface it is at the very left, even in Writer

You could instead click Alt+f12 (possibly Alt+Fn+F12 depending on the whimsy of the computer manufacturer) then in the dialogue that appears select LibreOffice > Paths
As i said before, you only need to go there for backup purposes (but better to back up the entire user folder) not to use, edit or save templates.


I could not see your images, they are stored on sharepoint and there is no access.

You might like to refer to the Getting Started Guide and the Writer Guide, free download from English documentation | LibreOffice Documentation - LibreOffice User Guides

The images I posted on my share port (or one drive) can be seen by anyone - you just click the link. EDIT: okay I figured out how to upload images here in this forum - the images are below.

Basically what I"m saying is I followed the instructions - but the instructions are not correct - and then when I tried to discover the paths- the paths aren’t 100% shown.

I got a not found last time I tried viewing your images; now they are visible.
The default place in Windows where user templates are stored is
Just copy that into Explorer address bar and press Enter.
See LibreOffice user profile - The Document Foundation Wiki

I think you are being sidetracked by the location which is not needed for saving, editing or using templates.
Have you tried saving a template from Writer using the menu? Although File > Save as Template is the same in Tabbed user interface.

Which brings this dialogue

To set an existing template as default

  1. Click File > Templates > Manage templates
  2. In the dialogue that appears, right click the template that you want as default and select Set as Default

@EarnestAl - Thank you so much. Yes, I was sidetracked because I used used the following to create an *.ott document - then, I was trying to place that document somewhere.

File >> Save as >> Save as type >> ODF Text Document Template (*.ott)

I should have used File >> Templates >> Save as Template …

In the Paths pane of the Options dialogue, you can Add another path, say to a shared network directory. Save as .ott can be useful adding another template to the shared folder

Unable to Locate Template Directory
Short reply: You don’t need to.


… shows two paths: The path created when the LibO version was installed. On my Win10 system this is C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\share\template... as “Internal” and a path pointing to the templates managed for my (currently used // I have more than one) user profile as “User”.
What you manage via >File>Templates>Manage Templates is the “User” branch.
This is also addressed by >File>Templates>Save as Template... and there should be a checkbox to make the newly saved template the new default for the current kind of documents (no extra selection because the document you want to save knows its kind).

Personally I prefer a different way: I save the file via >File>Save selecting the respective extension (.ot?) to a repository folder I created for the purpose. The few template files I want to use often or even as Default I select later via >File>Templates>Manage Templates and Import them from the repository. This way I can do it differently for different user profiles. The template manager also offers a Filter and Categories and a way to choose Set as Default per kind via the context menu of any element shown graphically.
The one obfuscating thing is then that the manager allows to define a “name” per template which may be different from its filename.
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