Unable to paste anything into execute SQL window.

I am using Libre Base on my MAC. I am not able to copy and paste information from a text file to the SQL execute window. Paste works elsewhere in the program. When I right click in the SQL window, no window opens for me to select paste as it does in other parts of the program. When I go to tools menu and select paste nothing happens again. I am able to type the SQL directly into the window and execute it.

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This started for me also with LO v6.4.0.3 on Ubuntu 18.04. Can still use Ctrl+c/v. Should be reported (have not seen one opened) here → Bugzilla

I was using the latest version of LO ( also had problem with assigning field properties in table for number and decimal types. I downloaded the previous Version: Now both problems are solved. Looks like bugs in newer version.

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