Unable to upload DOCX document prepared in LibreOffice to a third-party website.

I cannot manage to upload a document from my computer to an outside agency. It is flagged as an incorrect document type and should be, amongst others, .docx.

What I am attempting to do is to upload my CV as requested by this website. It seems not to like the fact it comes from Libre Office. I did a paste and copy into Microsoft Office and the upload was accepted from there.

I use Windows 8

How is this related to LibreOffice? And if so we need more information.

I’m having the same issue. It’s related to LibraOffice because the upload (a resume to LinkedIn in this case) doesn’t work. I was using a previous version of LO, where the save type for .docx stated 2007-2013. I also tried to save it as a .doc, and updated LO ( (x64)) and noticed the .docx format supported 2007-2019, so I thought that might help, but I’m still having problems. Export as PDF works fine. I don’t have MSOffice at home like the OP so I can’t test that, but there is clearly an issue between how LO saves as an MS file to where LinkedIn continually says only Microsoft Word or PDF. I also tried to save it as a XML doc (.docx) and that doesn’t work either. If the file format says it’s a .doc or .docx … third party apps need to “think” it is truly being saved as an MSOffice application document. Otherwise, it’s not really masking the save as that format.

I tried the save as as the first answer suggests and it doesn’t work.
I also tried the second answer, this doesn’t w

FYI - while PDF is accepted at that site, it’s not the ideal format because the resume bots tend to make more mistakes with that format. It’s the format I have saved out there, but I want a .docx out there because supposedly it has less issues with the scanning bots. Potential issues with the scanning bots can reject the resume and lessen your chances.

Many upload services are corrupt and do not care for the odf extensions. But, if the file “ExampleText.odt” is thought to be opened by a LibreOffice user you may simply add a “.docx” getting “ExampleText.odt.docx”. This being an outright lie, LibreOffice will be smart enough to recognise the true type and open the file correctly despite the fake extension.

What I am attempting to do is to upload my CV as requested by this website. It seems not to like the fact it cpmes from Libre Office. I did a paste and copy into Microsoft Office and the upload was accepted from there.

@frank1marker This sounds as if not only the upload of an .odt file itself is rejected. There will be evaluating software that only accepts specific document storing formats and the related extensions. As odf is the first and officially best accepted standard for document exchange, I would call that corrupt again. However, you will have to accept the advice by @mmksm if you cannot abstain from submitting your curriculum vitae to that silly site.

@Lupp It’s not a corruption thing. I’ve tried multiple files, even created new ones to abandon a possible corrupted file. The advise from @mmksm doesn’t solve anything. He’s merely stating the obvious use of a LO function.

I didn’t talk of corrupted files but of corrupt “services”. If an upload service refuses to accept a file due to its extension you may use a fake extension… If the service analyses the file and rejects it despite its extension being listed as allowed, the service is corrupt in an extended sense.
Also: Things of this kind may change over a span of 4 years. Try a new question and give precise information concerning your specific problem.

In Libreoffice, ya may want to try a “save as”. choose “Formats”, save it as a Microsoft file.

@mmksm FYI - this doesn’t work. That’s what was tried. the Word .docx, .doc and even XML .docx files all fail. Something in the save format is not coming across as an authentic save in that format.