LO Writer is such **, constantly changing things by itself, never taking and holding defaults, always in illegal font and format and today takes the cake!
I document that I created about 4 years ago and was formatted perfectly, needs a legal paragraph added, so opened the file and saw nothing. Looking around I found my 1st page was way off to the right and further investigation, showed that page 2 had recreated itself as 17 inches wide and 2 column.
Looking for any formatting commands or parms I found none. I went to the irc.freenode.net and entered on the #libreoffice channel, with no response. The fact that LO is constantly wrong and constantly changing things by itself is so frustrating. I am constantly spending hour after hour correcting it’s **, since I write for a living, but no clue on fixing this.
I suppose one solution would be a “New Document” with all the old content added via cut-n-paste, but the way LO Writer always changes any cut-n-paste, has me totally skeptical.