Unfocused letters and numbers

Good afternoon,
I’m on a Mac (with Big Sur working perfectly), and lately I see all of LibreOffice text and numbers like unfocused or blur. When I write, before I enter the tex/numbers, everything is fine. But then, when I enter text or numbers, everything is unfocused.
Anyone with this same problem?

Thank you in advance.

image description


assuming you are using LibreOffice version 7.0.x - this is most probably bug tdf#138122

Thank you for your answer.
I’m using v. So I should wait for an update, right?

You got no real choice right now. LibreOffice version <7 doesn’t run on Big Sur and version 7 has the bug. So your only real choice would be … I don’t dare to tell:-)

Lol I see.
Thank you again for your answers!

Tried the 7.1 Dev and still the same problem…

Of course it is still the same and the test was superfluous, since the bug mentioned in my answer is still in status NEW. You need to follow the bug report in bugzilla and only if you see the status RESOLVED FIXED there is a chance that you see it fixed. Any further still doesn’t work notification on this site won’t speedup fixing.

Sorry but I didn’t know/see that NEW status. Now that I know, I will follow Bugzilla.

Can this help?

Yes, I already noticed that the status is there. I believe I’ll have to wait for a “resolved fix” status to have this problem solved.
Thank you!