Unintelligible suggestions with Language Tool

Running LO (x64) on Windows 10 Home. Just ran the Language Tool received the following piece of information. Would appreciate it if any of the good folk here may be able to shed light on this. Languge settings (Tools>Options>Language>) are set to English. Thanks.


That is from the Language Tool extension, you must ask on Language Tool site. Cheers, Al

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Yes, as EarnestAl suggests, ask at the LanguageTool forum and attach a sample file, not a screenshot. Also, specify the LT version. I can’t reproduce the error by simply typing the phrase in question, thus, it might be an issue with the particular file.

“Wand” and “muur” are Dutch words meaning "wall’. Apparently, the LT mixed up the languages.

Thanks for all your replies everyone. I’ll post it on the Language Tool forum.